Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Episode 13, coming soon!

Chris Kling (Suck It Easy, co-founder) and Ken Horgan (SIE team captain) joined Mike Zinn and myself in the Deep Sea room for the taping of EasytownRadio episode 13. We salute RUSH, the early years, and we give a big birthday salute to Alex Lifeson (who turned 53 on August 27th and is still rocking, thank you very much).

Early RUSH songs that we've chosen for this episode include "Finding My Way", "Working Man", "Anthem", and "2112 Overture". Apologies to the Caress Of Steel album, which was neglected here, but we've touched upon three of the first four RUSH albums for you. There's also a bit more of the 2112 album, in addition to the Overture, sprinkled into this episode for good measure, and you'll find it if you listen real closely.

Episode 13 also marks a return to olden tymes, when no verbal content was pre-recorded prior to the night of taping. Episode 13 also looks ahead to the future, as we debut The Easybox (complaints, jokes, suggestions)! Episode 13 also marks the first time we tap into our listener mail to the tune of 2 letters from 2 lucky listeners with each episode, instead of opening listener mail only once every fourth episode, which is the way that we've been doing it up until now. Our lucky listeners this time around are Bryan Puglisi (Verbal Sideshow) and Ginger Lynn (Playboy Radio). As for what was inside The Easybox? Well, that's a secret :)

Love and bottlerockets,

Tim Easy
Co-producer, writer, and host

Friday, August 11, 2006


Welcome to Episode Twelve!
The Clash represents our transition to a new and freer state of easytown where you can actually leave comments about what you think!

You can click the title of the blog, the photo or,
You can also click below to get to the podcast!


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Episode Twelve: The Clash / Sandinista!

Episode twelve was wrapped up this week, and we expect to air next week sometime. It's the Sandinista! episode, and I guarantee fans of British rockers The Clash will be blissed out.

In addition to all of the great music, it's saucy Easytown morsels aplenty! Don Uts bumps into his ex-wife's lawyer at the racetrack and things get interesting. Spoiler Stan doesjoins us again with his take on the new Clint Eastwood flick. Jake's Backyard is back in action, as Wrinkled Star and Three Packs A Day both fire up their propaganda machines. And let's not forget the exciting listener mail segments. We received a ton of mail from some mighty fine folks, but we narrowed it down to four and our lucky listeners are Belladonna, Mike Epstein, Johnny Owens, and Ed Ryan!

Special thanks to Mike Zinn for all his super(bananacat) work at the console, and special thanks to both Greg Frisina (Balls Deep) and Russ Rogers (Heywood Jablomi), and we also thank you (our listeners)!


Easytown Radio: sweeter than Anna Cabana's knockers!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Coming up next on Easytown Radio...


It's time for a wild ride into the experimental (and most controversial) of Clash albums! On these recordings, Joe Strummer and the boys reminded us that bad governments can inspire good music. In this episode we'll spin "The Magnificent Seven", "Washington Bullets", "Charlie Don't Surf", and "The Call Up".

It's The Clash, right here on Easytown Radio, so strap on your combat boots and let's get ready to rock the casbah

Friday, August 04, 2006

Da Funky Phish

The stars were out in Bay Shore last night, as many of our beloved Easytown Radio All-Stars were in attendance at Da Funky Phish for the Suck It Easy extravaganza! More than 200 photos were shot with Bub's camera (thank you Zinn, and Christine, and Bub of course). The pics will be online soon for your viewing enjoyment. In the meantime, here's my Top Ten favorite things that happened at last night's party:

10. I was on percussion and backing vocals, while Frank Walker and Russ Rogers played ukes and Craig Phish sang lead vocals on "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"

9. Mike Ferrari was there, celebrating his birthday in style, and it was a joy for me to wish him a happy birthday from on stage.

8. Frank Gabriel joined me on stage to help sing the Kool & The Gang classic "Celebration".

7. Bub lost his $200 pair of sunglasses, and later found them waiting for him underneath a drum kit.

6. Afro wigs were in full effect and after a while it seemed like everyone was getting in on the act, from Matt Jasper to Dennis Lucenti to Paul Wenzel etc...

5. The horn section was hot, nothing beats the one-two punch of a saxaphone and trombone, extra special thanks to Dennis Lucenti and Matt Jasper for bringing the brass.

4. Don Uts sang a freestyle diddy and we got some hot afro choreography going on, there was some sweet headbobbin' and side-to-side groovin' goin' on.

3. Jamming on stage with The Restaurant during a Poison song. I was on ukulele.

2. Russ Rogers presented me with my very own ukulele. It's only been mine for one day so far, and already it's become my favorite instrument of all time. Thanks, brother Russ!

(drum roll please................)
1. Celebrating the birth of my niece, Lia Kelly. She doesn't know me yet, but someday she will, and she's going to have the best uncle in the whole wide world!

click for gallery